
Industries we serve

Energy and Utilities

Løsninger og programvare for energistyring

Linked to Industry 5.0, the question is asked: How can technology enable a future-oriented industry?

We can help your company with

  • Assessing the journey to cloud
  • To see how you can benefit from data analysis
  • Assessing whether there are ready-made solutions (off-the-shelf) that meet your needs

And most importantly: Can you digitize your product?

Your company’s future earnings may well lie in a digitized version of the product you have today. Or a digital service linked to your product should be developed that makes it relevant for the future.

To find out what opportunities exist, we recommend that you carry out a preliminary project. Or a design phase as we call it. You then get a detailed project plan, a cost and time estimate and a prototype that gives you the opportunity to assess whether this is the solution you want. If you wish, you can then carry out the main project.

If you are going to build a new product or a new IT service, we normally recommend that you build a simple first version (MVP) so that you can test whether this gives you the value you expected. We will always define an architecture that gives you the flexibility to effectively meet future needs.

Let's talk about your needs